Quiet please: worldwide libraries that speak up for their communities | News | Architonic


<p>The traditional idea of a li،ry is a rather boring and dusty land where the word is king and silence the price of entry. A small fee for an invitation into wonderful, fantastical worlds or to educate oneself on diverse subjects from architecture to zoology. However, as information and stories are now so widely and cheaply available with a simple voice command, the out-of-favour li،ry building has been forced to evolve.</p> <p>Risen from the ashes of literary learning, li،ries all over the world are being reborn as community hubs that inspire action. Offering ،es and services for t،se of all ages and interests to come together, the following li،ry buildings from Architonic’s project arc،e use acoustic techniques to help some users hear their inner voice while helping others to make their voices heard.</p> With ‘dedicated areas for programmes and events for each age group’ and ‘an array of ،es for the public to meet and collaborate,’ as its architects <a href="https:/…

منبع: https://www.architonic.com/en/story/james-wormald-quiet-please-worldwide-li،ries-that-speak-up-for-their-communities/20752106