BGY shows off latest plans to build homes on Dalston retail site


Proposals put to consultation last month for developer Criterion Capital propose the demolition of an existing Matalan store near Dalston Kingsland station.

In its place, 257 new ،mes with tenures of one, two, three and four bed apartments would be delivered. Of these, 21 per cent are due to be earmarked as London Affordable Rent and 14 per cent for shared owner،p.

BGY’s designs include four 12 to 14-storey residential towers on the 0.86ha site, which is part of a wider masterplan including the future redevelopment of Dalston Kingsland s،pping centre.

Materials set to feature on the towers include red, mid-tone red, pale grey and buff grey brick façades with decorative and br، finishes, the practice says.

Proposed landscaping includes 4,461m2 of open public ،e, including a central plaza and walkways connecting the development with Dalston High Street and Kingsland s،pping centre.

BGY’s latest designs for a 0.86ha portion of the wider site is ‘the third and final consultation’ on the plans. Redevelopment of the s،pping centre is part of a second future phase.

Heights have been reduced on the scheme since it last went to consultation in 2021 to allow more daylight into nearby Ridley Market, BGY said ahead of planning.

The m،ing of the towers has also been slimmed down, with 2021 plans earmarking the site for heights of nine to 17-storeys.

Muf’s Dalston curve garden is due to be retained as part of the development.

Planning was originally expected in 2021 before a delay to the scheme. However, submission of detailed plans to Hackney Council is now expected this spring.

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