a brief history of the trending designer colour


It wasn’t long ago, of course, that we decided to nail shut the lid on the mid-century pink bathroom suite, so it’s a surprise to see it make its return so soon. With the rise of pink as a suitable and serious decor colour, ،wever, the pastel-pink bathroom makes perfect sense. This is the belief, at least, of the owners of Hope House in La Floresta, Spain. Their monotone flamingo-pink bathroom features pink tiles from floor to-and-including ceiling, including the bathtub and basin fixtures, too. The only respite comes in the form of resident plantlife, itself given extra verdure by its contrast to the surrounding surfaces. With a pink version of the Callipyge WC, meanwhile, manufacturer Trone forgets the shade’s past bathroom transgressions and looks only to the future, with an ultra-contemporary, some may say futuristic, even, form.

منبع: https://www.architonic.com/en/story/james-wormald-think-pink-a-brief-history-of-the-trending-designer-colour/20751581