15 Smart Small Laundry Room Storage Ideas on a Budget


How do you ،ize a small laundry room? How to add storage ،e on a budget?

stylish and neat small laundry room use baskets bins

Even if most of us might not like it, we have to spend a decent amount of time at least once a week in a laundry room. But wouldn’t doing laundry be at least a tiny bit more pleasant if the place where you did it was well-،ized and with plenty of storage ،e for other supplies and items? And no, I am not talking about working with large rooms where you can fit a TV or couch, like I’ve seen some people do on Instagram. This article will be focused on smart and creative small laundry room storage ideas on a budget!

Smart Small Laundry Room Storage Ideas on a Budget

cute storage cart for small laundry room

Doing laundry can be a less annoying ،usekeeping task if you don’t constantly feel like so،ing is going to fall over you if you accidentally happen to move the “wrong” way. When working with a small ،e, all you need to do is unleash your creative flow and see that anything can easily be used for extra storage in a laundry room. Before s،ing to re،ize your room, first clear everything out, leaving only the washer and drier. Proceed to scroll down through our article to discover smart, efficient and creative small laundry room storage ideas on a budget!

Budget-friendly Storage Baskets for Small Laundry Room

small laundry room ،ization ideas

You might take me for a freak, but I love storage baskets! Maybe it has so،ing to do with my Mars in Virgo, w، knows, really. Storage baskets are one of the most cost-effective storage ideas you will ever find. You can simply label each basket with the items it will ،ld, like clean towels, wa،ng supplies, detergents and other cleaning agents, etc. Place them in a cupboard and reach for whenever needed.

Also read: 10 Best Small Studio Apartment Storage Ideas & Hacks

Small Laundry Room Storage Ideas on a Budget: Use the Wall Space

using the wals for extra ،e

Don’t have cupboards where you can store items in your small laundry room? Why not utilize the walls! Set up a rack system to store cleaning supplies and tools nearby. You can display extra supplies of ،ucts on the top shelves, to prevent more than one bottle of the same ،uct being opened.

Every Small Corner Can Be Used for Storage!

make the most of every inch small moving cart

The key to ،izing and opening up more storage ،e in any type of room is to use all the open you have at hand to its fullest capacity. If, for s،ers, you have a little room between your washer and drier, why not slide in a moving cart on wheels where you can store all your laundry supplies? Detergents and softeners on the first level, then extra clean towels, and other less-used ،ucts on the bottom.

Hang Open Shelving at the Space Above Your Washer

Create a cute, functional corner in your small laundry room my hanging open shelves in the ،e above the washer or drier. Functional doesn’t necessary mean that it can’t look chic, so you if you have the option, display modern decorations next to baskets with laundry soap, towels, and other laundry room items.

small laundry room ideas for optimizing storage

Or better yet, if you have the time and s،s, build a cupboard in the open ،e above your washer to store more ،ucts. Place them in plastic baskets with labels to know the places of each of your items for efficient and quick use.

Also read: Storage Ideas for Small Bathrooms: 6 Easy Steps on How to Make the Most of Your Bathroom Space

Integrated laundry hampers for storing ، clothes

integrated laundry hampers for storing ، clothes

Laundry room closet idea to store supplies

laundry room closet setup idea

Use woven bins for a stylish & ،ized small laundry room

woven bins to keep everything ،ized

Display & utilize Lazy Susan ،izers in your laundry room

lazy susan ،izer for small laundry room

Hang up brooms & other cleaning tools on the walls

dispay items on the walls

More small laundry room storage ideas on a budget

small laundry room storage hacks

A functional & ،ized room can still look chic! 

small laundry room makeover ideas

Another practical laundry room closet idea that takes up little ،e

small laundry room closet for storage idea

منبع: https://deavita.net/small-laundry-room-storage-ideas-on-budget-clever-،izing-hacks-useful-tips-advise-more-،e-functional-329648.html