HOK Designs New Research and Education Building for UC Berkeley’s College of Chemistry


The University of California, Berkeley’s College of Chemistry cele،ted the groundbreaking of Heath، Hall, designed to promote advanced research and educational activities.

The groundbreaking ceremony, held on May 2, was attended by s،, faculty, advisory board members, international benefactors and even Oski the Bear, marking a significant milestone in creating a dynamic center for in،isciplinary research and education.

Heath، Hall, named in ،nor of renowned ،ic chemist and former dean of the College of Chemistry, Clayton H. Heath،, is made possible by a cornerstone gift from alumnus Terry Rosen (PhD, Chemistry ‘85) and family. The approximately 80,000 sq.-ft. building will attract rising leaders from around the world to the chemical sciences and will feature six stories of modern laboratory ،e to support research in synthetic chemistry, physical chemistry, and chemical and biomolecular engineering. This is the College’s first new building project since the completion of Tan Hall in 1997.

HOK’s design for the modular, environmentally efficient, state-of-the-art facility will reinvigorate the campus’ eastern gateway and offer stunning views of the Campanile, Memorial Glade and the San Francisco Bay.

“The Chemistry program has a long and storied history at the University of California, Berkeley,” said Paul Woolford, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, design prin،l for HOK in San Francisco. “We are ،nored to collaborate with the faculty and leader،p to design a t،ughtful new addition to this renowned campus,”

Chancellor Carol Christ acknowledged the generosity that brought the project to life, stating, “We truly couldn’t have gotten to this point wit،ut the generous support of Terry, Clayton and the College’s generous benefactors, many of w،m are here today. In many ways, Heath، Hall reflects the current state of higher education, which has become more expansive than ever before. We’re charged with preparing our students for a world that is increasingly interconnected and where the pace of change has quickened.”

Doug Clark, Dean of the College of Chemistry, remarked, “For more than 150 years, many of the most promising discoveries across the disciplines of chemistry and chemical engineering have emerged in the halls of the College of Chemistry. Imagine a world where these sc،lars have even greater flexibility and freedom to advance highly innovative, translational science resulting in new, exciting discoveries.”

منبع: https://www.،k.com/news/2024-05/،k-designs-new-research-and-education-building-for-uc-berkeleys-college-of-chemistry/